Niels Roesen Abildgaard

Software Developer @ deranged

I strive to build quality software, and I am always working at getting bet­ter: find that next improvement in code style, pro­cess, organization, or way of inter­action.
   I write fairly regularly on my blog, topics ranging from code to company design.

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Perspectives on web applications

I wrote my thesis at the IT-University of Copenhagen on web appli­ca­tions. In particular, I focused on challenging and expanding existing perspectives on what constitutes a web application is and how they are built.

I documented a breadth of architectures in web applications, often hybrids between several well-defined archi­tec­tures. I presented a new method for describing the evolution of concrete software archi­tec­tures over time, and how to find common evolution patterns between archi­tec­tures.

I also connected web engineering more closely to distributed systems and database research. I presented an argument for seeing web appli­ca­tions as weakly consistent systems, which changes our consider­a­tions for consistency on the server side. Finally, I presented a tax­ono­my of data in web appli­ca­tions that lets us see much of what web app­lications do as view maintenance, and also presents the first steps towards a formalization of web applications. Read the thesis.

Help me test this...

Learn to multiply is a quick, little tool that aims to help learners of all ages learn their multiplication tables. I mean, it is probably most relevant for kids aged 6–14, but anyone could use it.

It is based on cognitive theory, trying to form patterns in the brain of the user, by repeatedly reinforcing the correct answers.

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